Sarah Skeels
Post-Doc researcher allied to Theresa Burt De Perera's group
BBSRC Career Development Fellow, now PDRA at Queen Mary University, London
Biography & Research Interests:
Following a BBSRC-funded fellowship in Prof. Burt de Perera's research group, I am now conducting a post-doc at Queen Mary University, London investigating sentience in insects. Whilst at Oxford, the goal of my BBSRC project was to explore sensory-motor integration using weakly electric fish as a model. This project built upon the research I undertook during my DPhil, investigating how the weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii uses body movements to shape what they experience with their active electric sense. By studying how sensory and motor systems operate together, we can better understand an animal's behaviour.
Selected publications:
Skeels, S., von der Emde, G., & Burt de Perera, T. (2023b). Weakly electric fish use self-generated motion to discriminate object shape. Animal Behaviour. 205, 47-63.
Skeels, S., von der Emde, G., & Burt de Perera, T. (2023a). Mormyrid fish as models for investigating sensory-motor integration: A behavioural perspective. Journal of Zoology. 319, 243-253.